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‘If You Build It, They Will Come’ Not True of Assisted Living Activities

Assisted Living – a service that assists elderly persons in their old age – requires that the elderly do various forms of recreational activities. These activities include bingo, watching TV, reminiscing and more. These activities offer various amounts of consequences both good and bad. Researchers are trying to pinpoint what these consequences are in order to increase transparency on which recreational activities are effective or not. Each assisted living establishment is different because each person who benefits from assisted living has differing mental states. Therefore it is necessary to compile more research on the recreational activities for assisted living providers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Engaging assisted living residents in recreational activity is not straightforward
  • Studies have found positivity with recreational activities in assisted living although small and inconsistent
  • More work needs to be done on interests, biophysical needs, engagement, personal meaning, and activity demands

“Family visits and walking were the two most commonly cited activities, at 26 and 25 mentions each. Physical exercise, bingo, arts and crafts, and watching TV were commonly mentioned as well.”

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Easy Ways for Caregivers to Cut Costs

Caregiving is a journey that can last five to ten years. The individuals who will benefit from caregiving will have to spend a significant amount of money for the service – which will be financially detrimental over time. There are some strategies caregivers can use to save money. These include: finding out the local discounts for low-income elderly persons or finding new deals, changing ones cell-phone plan to a pay as you go service, finding savings on items a caregiver already purchases, creating a budget, and finding discounts on prescriptions. Caregivers must be focused on finding the senior discounts with every purchase they make.

Key Takeaways:

  • There is a huge financial cost to being a caregiver that people rarely speak about. Missing work, traveling, can really hurt your budget.
  • Look online for deals on items you normally buy. Know what you are paying, then see where you can purchase items cheaper with online deals, or big box store pricing.
  • Create a budget and see what you can exchange or cut our all together. There are ways to get around larger expenses with some negotiation and swapping. Netflix or hulu for cable for instance.

“Check for new deals: If you have had your car insurance, cable contract and cell phone contract for a long time, chances are, they may have special offers that you’re missing out on.”

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Dementia Care Phoenix

4 Ways Senior Living Leaders See the Industry Evolving

Senior Living Centers are trying to offer more and more services to their facilities for the convenience of the seniors living in their facilities. The supply and demand of such centers is forcing the businesses to offer more and more, such as home health care, rehabilitation, and hospice care. There is some caution to be taken into consideration, if you are going to offer that, it has to be able to do it well. You need to have an expertise. You will also need to have an underwriter, to protect your business.

Key Takeaways:

  • Senior living is beginning to evolve due to higher demands of seniors.
  • Changing tastes and developing technologies are fueling demands of seniors.
  • The way business make money off these senior living properties are informed by the changes they have to make.

“A few leaders in senior living recently weighed in on some of the top trends and forces they see shaping the industry.”

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The Benefits of Telemedicine for Seniors

The emergence of telemedicine means that seniors don’t have to visit doctors physically, as often as they did before. After all, for some, it’s a feat just to even get to the office to make all your appointments. Telemedicine involves talking to doctors over the phone or with video conferencing, and uses remote technology to track vital signs and recognize early warning signs. Of course, some more serious admissions will involve a physical visit, but the majority of conditions can be managed with telemedicine. With this new technology, it can help seniors avoid hospital admissions, save money, reduces likelihood of a nursing home stay, saves you a lot of trips, you avoid hospital germs, and both you and your doctor will know when there’s a problem. Win-win for all involved.

Key Takeaways:

  • Telemedicine is using technology to help make Seniors lives easier.
  • With Telemedicine Doctors can monitor Seniors vitals and recommend treatments while Seniors are in the comfort of their homes
  • Seniors can avoid Hospitals, Nursing homes and potential germs thanks to Telemedicine

“There are still some types of illnesses or injuries that will require trips to the doctor’s office, but there are a wide range of health care needs that can be addressed with telemedicine rather than in-person visits.”

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Waffle Food Truck

What is the Difference Between a Nursing Home and an Assisted Living Facility?

Anyone with a sick loved one might be easily confused on whether their loved one needs a nursing home or an assisted living facility. It is very important to note that all nursing homes are regulated by Medicare and registered nurses are available for assistance at all hours of the day and night. In contrast, only a little over half of all assisted living facilities provide nursing assistance from registered nurses. There are also nursing homes with short stay options. The choice of where to place your loved one in need of help really depends on the factors of cost, if you prefer the heavy regulations placed on nursing homes or not, and how much help and care your loved one needs throughout the day.

Key Takeaways:

  • Assisted living facilities traditionally offer full time supervision, daily meals, and various other services
  • More than half of all assisted living facilities offer services rendered by professionally licensed nurses and/or practitioners
  • Licensing for these facilities is provided on a state-by-state basis so there are no national or federal guidelines in place

“Families who are searching for the optimal place for their loved ones with dementia now have an almost overwhelming set of choices.”

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Delegate Caregiving Tasks to Save Time, Maximize Your Efficiency

As parents get older, they need more love and care. Caregivers can become very overwhelmed with the tasks of caring for their parents as well as kids and spouses. To make things easier, there are certain things that you can hire someone to do for you. Having someone to take on some tasks can reduce the stress greatly. These days there are many people that are willing to do these tasks for you. You can hire someone to cook your meals, or also sign them up for meals on wheels. You can hire someone to run errands and also grocery shop for you. Many places have where you can shop online for your groceries and just go pick them up.Some of these things can be a bit pricey, but if you have the money for it, it is extremely beneficial.

Key Takeaways:

  • When you are taking care of an elderly loved one, you need to delegate some of those jobs.
  • There are service type industries you can utilize, such as Meals on wheels, Grocery shopping delivery, and house keeping.
  • Companionship services like senior companions and paid caregivers can be there for your person when you can’t be.

“While it can be expensive to hire an in home caregiver, there are less expensive tasks you can outsource to simplify your life.”

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Endevour Home Care

Connecting with Grandkids in the Digital Age

Senior citizens are learning to use technology and don’t seem to mind learning it once they give it a try. Technology is helpful in keeping seniors from being lonely and fights off high blood pressure and diabetes. It is recommended to update pages often on sites including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, along with following family members. Texting is another way to keep up constant communication with grandchildren and other family members. There are easy ways to learn what the emoticons mean by finding guides to review.

Key Takeaways:

  • A study conducted shows that 77% of people over 68 years old are not opposed to learning new technology
  • Common apps for communication and sharing are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Skype
  • With all of the technology available for communication you’ll never worry about losing touch with family

“The good news is that, while some seniors may not immediately embrace technology, many of them find it fairly easy once they try it.”

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Caring for the Caregiver

Caring for the Caregiver: Staying Social = Staying Healthy

Let’s be straightforward: providing care for an aging loved one can be draining, stressful, and isolating. As caregiving requirements progress, especially when a chronic condition such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease is at play, family caregivers could feel that they’re in over their heads, and getting through the standard elements of the day – taking a bath, preparing of food, running errands – can seem to be a barrier too high to leap.

According to Carey Wexler Sherman, a gerontologist at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research, “Caregiving is done with a lot of love and affection, but there’s a lot of loss involved. People talk about friends disappearing, about even family members not wanting to be involved. It’s a lonely business.”

Because of this, a large number of family caregivers have been found to sequester themselves. It’s tricky to schedule social excursions without knowing what sort of day Mom or Dad will be going through. It’s likewise difficult to invite friends over and face the potential need to cancel plans at the last minute. Sometimes it just seems easier to attempt to deal with everything alone. Senior geriatric social worker at Massachusetts General Hospital, Barbara Moscowitz, shares responses she hears from family members taking care of a senior with dementia: “They say, ‘I’m exhausted trying to explain to people why she’s doing what she’s doing, why they shouldn’t be angry or afraid. It’s just easier to stay home.” It seems seniors get the care they need, but who is caring for the caregiver?

Unfortunately, we know that social isolation and loneliness are connected to serious health risks : heart disease, stroke, depression, and also a greater prevalence of developing dementia or dying prematurely. Caregiver assistance is a must, both for the individual being cared for and the family members providing that care.

Endeavor Home Care provides dedicated home care solutions to families throughout much of Arizona as well as San Diego, CA, and our team is on hand to help in so many ways, through hands-on assistance with all areas regarding elder care, preparing meals, keeping the home tidy, running errands, and so much more – allowing family members much-needed time to themselves to spend with friends and in pleasant, relaxing activities – ensuring the wellbeing of all family members.

Call us at any time for the professional in home care help you can trust, giving you the ability to attain a healthy life balance while knowing your senior loved one is in the very best hands.

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How Family Caregivers Can Plan for Natural Disasters

It is important to prepare for natural disaster, especially for elderly folks. Seniors should have family members who help them to check what their community’s plan is in case of emergency and how they will be communicated with. Evacuation plans should be made and should include supplies if the elderly person must stay where they are. An emergency kit should be made and should include medications, food and water, documents, clothes, a flashlight and a map. Visiting Angels caregivers can help with elderly folks and put a communication plan together.

Key Takeaways:

  • It’s important to plan for different disasters by creating appropriate response and evacuation plans
  • Build an emergency supply kit with water, food, medications, flash light, and important documents
  • Keep a personal support network of people who will check in on a senior person during a disaster

“After the back-to-back disasters of Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, it’s important that seniors and family caregivers alike understand the need for natural disaster preparedness.”

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Busting Senior-Care Myths: It Costs Too Much to Hire In Home Care

Despite popular misconception, in home care for senior citizens can be quite an affordable option for caregiving to an elderly individual, and this fact becomes clear when the costs of in home care are analyzed side by side with other forms of care that are often assumed to be less expensive. A home health aide is an affordable option for in home care, which costs half the standard amount required to pay for a private nurse. To put the cost of in home care into better perspective, consider how much money you might be losing as a result of not getting the necessary assistance for your loved one. Many family members who take on the responsibility of caregiving exclusively end up with lost wages due to fatigue, reduced hours, and similar issues. In the grand scheme of things, affordable in home care options like a home health aide are well worth it and reasonably priced.

Key Takeaways:

  • Seniors who want to stay home but need help with medical tasks may not know a full-time home aide can be cost effective
  • The median cost of full time health aides are only $4,099 per year
  • Long-term care insurance may cover some or even all costs of in home care

“If you’re feeling the strain of caregiving plus family responsibilities and work, or if you live too far away to provide care in person, it’s time to take a closer look at the myth that in-home senior care is unaffordable.”

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