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Talking to Doctors About Your Bucket List Could Help Advance Care Planning

Making a bucket list can be a chance to think about long term dreams and goals, and this can make it very useful to doctors when making treatment plans or encouraging patients to stick to them. Bucket list items tend to follow certain themes, with many of them revolving around personal goals, quality time with friends and family, travel or daring adventures. Knowing patients goals and motivations can help doctors plan treatment in such a way as to minimize the disruption to things that are really important to the patient.

Key Takeaways:

  • A February 8th 2018 article, written in the Journal of Palliative Medicine addressed the topic of bucket lists.
  • Based on a Stanford University study, the article was about patient’s sharing their lists to enable practitioners to come up with care plans that better incorporate their patient’s goals.
  • Researchers found that about ninety percent of the respondents had indeed created a bucket list.

“It’s a chance to think about the future and put lifelong dreams or long-term goals down on a piece of paper.”

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If you would like additional guidance about advance care planning, contact Endeavor Home Care today at (480) 535-6800. Let our experts in elderly care in Phoenix help your loved one remain active and engaged in our local community.

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6 Rules You Should Break about Getting Older

Fortunately, aging isn’t what it used to be. Assumptions and stereotypes are going by the wayside daily, freeing more people to look and feel the way they want to at any age. Good. But some of the stereotypes, which hide in plain sight, are so normalized we can miss them. So, they persist, like weeds.

A few that may need some chopping still, is firstly, the assumption that growing older means you must cut your hair. Hair does have issues as it ages. But, if yours is still the thickness and luster and length you love, do not feel impelled to give it up due to an arbitrary social more.

Another more worth dispelling is that skin-showing should stop around the age of, oh, thirty. Keep showing off your skin if you like. Wrinkles are not a crime, nor is cellulite, or any other bugbear that makes women cover up. Moreover, there are creams for all of it. More things you should not do, just because you are inching up the age ladder? Do not stop learning. Do not stop going as fast as you want, or can. Don’t start dressing drab, or avoiding eye liner and lipstick. Be as madly fabulous as you want, for as long as you can.

Key Takeaways:

  • Invest in quality skin care products to keep your skin moist, so you look good in shorts and sleeveless tops.
  • Stay active by walking or doing any kind of exercise that is within your range of ability.
  • Keep your mind active by learning new things; online courses are a good option.

“While it’s true that as we age our hair can lose pigment, become thinner, or change texture, that doesn’t mean we should lop it all off.”

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If you or a loved one needs help as their getting older, contact our experts on long term care planning in Phoenix or the surrounding areas at 480-498-2324.

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Welcome to the House of Fun! The Funny Side of Aging – Lifestyle Fifty

We’re all getting older, it’s in the genes. Fortunately, there’s usually a bunch of us doing it at the same time. So, we get to laugh about it together and if need be cry about it together. But, there’s lots to laugh at. While funny things happen to everybody, every day, there are specific things that happen as we get older that shine a light on the funny side of aging.

For example, the memory gets a little foggier as we age. One woman found she had placed her wallet in her freezer while taking out the groceries. Another thing that is endemic as we age, our hearing gets less precise. Another woman stopped to offer a woman a lift and was told, so she thought, that the weather was lovely and the woman offered the lift did not want a lift. Sadly, the driver’s passenger alerted her to her mistake. The poor woman had actually said, “yes, that would be lovely,” only to have her ride take off on her.

Key Takeaways:

  • Getting old has its funny side and fortunately there are a lot of us “old” people to share the moments that are funny.
  • Two things that lead to funny aging moments are a greater loss of hearing and poorer memory.
  • One woman found that she had accidentally put her wallet in the freezer when she put away the groceries.

“And although we might not have time to get old, it doesn’t stop the ‘senior moments’ slipping into the equation, and they definitely require a sense of humour.”

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Contact Endeavour In Home Care, Mesa respite care providers, at 480-498-2324 to learn more about how our senior care services can help you and senior loved ones see the funny side of aging.

Elder Care in Gilbert AZ: Risk for Developing a UTI

Is Your Senior at Increased Risk for Developing a UTI?

Urinary tract infections are some of the most common infections experienced by people of all ages, but maybe a particular risk for older adults.

As a family caregiver, it is important to identify the particular risk factors that your senior has so you can take steps to reduce these risks and protect your parent from such an infection, and potentially serious consequences that can result.


Some of the factors that may increase the risk for your senior to develop a urinary tract infection include:

  • Being a woman
  • Being older, as the risk for suffering a UTI increases with age
  • Diminished mobility such as after experiencing surgery or a procedure that requires extended bed rest
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Use of a catheter
  • Kidney stones
  • Enlargement of the prostate
  • Poor hygiene
  • Dehydration


If you are concerned that your aging parent is at increased risk for developing a UTI and want to help them to reduce this risk, starting home care can be a good idea.

A home care provider can be with your parent to help them manage their risk factors effectively and to detect if they may be struggling with a UTI. This can include encouraging them to stay well-hydrated, helping them eat a good diet, and providing support while bathing and managing incontinence. Talk to their doctor about other ways you can help protect your parent from a UTI so you are prepared to take these steps, but also to care for your senior should such an infection arise.

Being a family caregiver for an elderly adult can be one of the most meaningful decisions you ever make in your life. It can also be challenging, and even overwhelming. You may find that your senior’s needs are more extensive than you thought they would be, or that your schedule and personal limitations are more influential than you expected. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean you won’t be able to give your parent the care they need, or that they will be without this care. Starting home care for them can be a fantastic way to ensure your senior gets access to the care, support, and assistance they need on a daily basis, while also enabling you to participate in their care as much as you can. This eases your stress and promotes better health and well-being for both of you and your aging parent.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Mesa in home care or care in the surrounding areas, please contact the caring staff at Endeavor Home Care today. Call  (480) 535-6800.

parents need assisted living - caregivers gilbert az

When You Want to Retire but a Parent Needs Assisted Living

The road to financial security is never straight and the possible entanglements when it comes to families is even less straight. For example, what to do if you are attempting to ready your finances for your own retirement right around the time that mom, or dad, needs to look into elder care? Will you be able to afford a facility, if it comes to that, while still putting money into your own plans?

Consider using your parents home, if possible. It may be viable to use the equity. See if your parents have pension income, or a 401K. Check out their social security options and medicaid options. If they can discuss their fiscal options with you than let them. Be as open as you can. As much as the topic is troubling, not dealing with it is far worse. Also, don’t forget the need for power of attorneys. Beyond accessing your loved one’s bills and payment needs, it may also behoove you to put yourself forward to their financial advisers and accountants, should there be such entities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sometimes pensions can either contribute to, or entirely cover, the ultimate costs of assisted living.
  • Home equity that has accumulated overtime can often help pay for assisted living fees.
  • Those who do not have adequate savings for care may be eligible for Medicaid services.

“You have options – you just have to do your research. Read more about what to do when you want to retire but a parent needs assisted living.”

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If your parent needs assisted living, considering getting help from professional caregivers Gilbert, AZ and the surrounding communities depend on for quality care. Contact us today at 480-498-2324 to learn more!

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Working From Home as a Family Caregiver: Is It Possible?

Research suggests that upwards of three million U.S citizens clock in at home. While there are pluses and minuses to having work and home at the same address, it may be a viable, even necessary situation for a family caregiver of aging elders.

Every caregiver knows that the unexpected is the expected when it comes to caring for an aging parent. Besides the daily routine of medication-taking and other physical needs, there is always the potential for accidents and extra doctor visits. Being on the spot can be a blessing. It can also be stressful.

It’s important if home is to be where the care happens and the money is made that others be enlisted to take over occasionally for the primary care-giver. If that person is you, then you have to have reasonable expectations of yourself. Perfect is not going to happen and much of what may have been your work norm may have to go by the wayside. That does not mean you should treat what you do as an afterthought. Have an actual office space, if for no other reason than to give yourself the psychological distance. You matter. And, what you do matters, perhaps now more than ever. Make use of home health aids, when you can, especially if a parent’s physical needs are time-consuming and personal. Don’t try to do it all. Have a plan for what should happen. But, be prepared to be flexible.

Key Takeaways:

  • Even working from home requires hours of undivided attention, so try to invest in at least part-time home care if you are able.
  • A great way to set necessary boundaries is by building your own office space.
  • If you are thinking of taking your previous job into a home setting, you may have to scale back on hours.

“For anyone struggling to balance family and work responsibilities, having a flexible schedule can make a huge difference.”

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If you’re a family caregiver working from home and you need a break, call Endeavor In Home Care, leading providers of respite care Gilbert and the surrounding communities depend on, at 480-498-2324 for professional help at home.

parents need assisted living - caregivers gilbert az

New York City Commits $500 Million to Build Affordable Senior Housing

New York City Housing Authority has allocated 500 million dollars to an initiative to build affordable senior housing on public land owned by NYCHA, including lawns and currently unused spaces. Although this is sufficient to build homes for thousands of seniors, it falls far short of the 2 billion dollars and 15,000 apartments hoped for by housing advocates. Private developers are also planning a number of projects aimed at NYC’s senior population, which is projected to grow by 40 percent by 2040.

Key Takeaways:

  • New York City will spend $500 million to build additional senior living apartments on undeveloped New York City Housing Authority land, such as parking lots and lawns of current developments.
  • Housing advocates had called for a $2 billion allocation to build 15,000 senior living apartments.
  • Several private sector firms, including private equity groups and companies specializing in senior living like Sunrise and Welltower, will also make big investments in NYC and other “gateway cities.”

“New York City is struggling with affordably housing its aging population, especially as the number of older adults in the city rapidly increases.”

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Home Care Services in Sun City AZ: Senior Eye Exams

Why are Eye Exams Important for Older Adults?

When was the last time your aging relative had an eye exam?
If you’re not sure or if it has been a while, there are plenty of good reasons you should schedule an appointment soon. In fact, since August is National Eye Exam Month, this is the perfect time to focus (pun intended!) on good vision health for your older family member. Older adults are at higher risk for developing several eye problems. Below are some of the common ones—all of which are good reasons for your aging relative to have their eyes checked.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

AMD affects the retina, which is an area at the back of the eye. Specifically, it affects the macula, the part of the retina that is responsible for clear central vision. In addition, the macula allows people to see colors vividly and fine details. Without good central vision, your aging relative may be unable to read, drive, or recognize faces.

Dry Eye

Sometimes the tear glands fail to make enough tears or don’t produce good quality tears. This can cause the eyes to burn, turn red, and feel itchy. If dry eye isn’t treated, it can result in vision loss.


Usually, the lens of the eye is clear and it will allow adequate light to come in. When a person gets cataracts, the lens becomes cloudy. Cataracts aren’t painful, but they can cause vision loss. Cataracts can make your aging relative’s vision blurry or cause colors to seem duller than usual.

Problems with Eyelids

Sometimes older adults have problems with their eyelids, such as drooping or twitching. Sometimes eyelids get inflamed, too. Eyelid problems can cause the eyes to tear, itch, or hurt. These problems are often treated with medications or surgery.


Glaucoma affects the optic nerve. Usually, it is linked to pressure in the eye. People with glaucoma may lose their peripheral, or side vision. Glaucoma can also lead to blindness.

Elder care can assist your aging relative to get to their eye appointment by driving them there. If the older adult suffers from low vision, there are many ways an elder care provider can help them to stay safe and have a better quality of life. Elder care providers can monitor older adults while they take their medications, ensuring they take the correct ones and in the proper dosages. Elder care providers can walk with your aging relative to make sure they do not fall and injure themselves. And, elder care providers can assist with things that require good vision, like reading, paying bills, and cooking.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Care Services in Sun City, AZ, please contact the caring staff at Endeavor Home Care today. Call  (480) 535-6800.





Home Senior Care

How Technology Will Soon Change Urban Senior Living Design

Operators of senior living communities in San Francisco and Oakland attended the Silicon Valley Boomer Venture Summit to speak about how technology is becoming woven into senior housing. They noted that today’s seniors are often more knowledgeable about technology than past cohorts, and more willing to continue to adopt new tech. Common apps like Netflix and Hulu are popular, although senior users often need more assistance to learn how to use new apps. On the other hand, many seniors do not like features like Siri because of privacy concerns, and want a more discrete level of safety features that do won’t make them feel monitored.

Key Takeaways:

  • Those who live in urban areas are conforming to new forms of technology that make city activities such as navigating transportation needs much easier.
  • Technology can cause some frustration among older residents due to them needing to relearn various software models over and over.
  • Executive director Michelle Moros expresses how important security is when you utilize technology in larger cities.

“Today’s residents are using more technology than residents in the past”

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dementia care Chandler

Ochsner Health System uses AI to detect early warning signs in patients

Ochsner Health System of New Orleans has used a mix of Microsoft’s Azure cloud and Epic’s machine learning technology to implement an AI system that analyzes patterns in order to predict and understand adverse events. This system has reduced adverse events outside the ICU by over 40 percent in just three months of operation. This represents enormous promise given that adverse events cost hundreds of billions of dollars and impact tens of millions of patients in US and European clinical organizations every year.

Key Takeaways:

  • When the AI platform was piloted for 3 months, it was found to decrease adverse events outside the ICU by 44 percent.
  • These AI platform will aid Ochsner Health System to deliver a higher quality of care that is life changing.
  • Hospital-acquired infections and pressure ulcers are other areas of healthcare the health system hopes to be able to apply the AI platform.

“Overall, adverse events end up costing a boatload of money”

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