
How Can I Help a Family Member With Kidney Disease?


Learn how you can help a family member with kidney disease.

Kidney disease can be indicated through seemingly harmless warning signs: Hiccupping. Itching. Changes in sleep and appetite. These are just a few of the seemingly harmless warning signs of kidney disease that may possibly be cause for concern. And with as many as 20 million people in the United States alone living with kidney disease, over and above those who are as yet undiagnosed, it’s essential that individuals experiencing these symptoms bring them to the attention of the physician. Read more

Baby greens and tomatoes

Crafting a Kidney-Healthy Diet for Seniors With Kidney Disease

Baby greens and tomatoes

Do you know the best kidney-healthy diet measures for seniors with kidney disease?

You’ve heard it before. You are what you eat. And for people living with kidney disease, it’s especially important that an effective dietary plan is observed to cut down on symptoms such as an upset stomach, swelling, pain, and more. Plus, adhering to a kidney-healthy diet may even delay the progression of the disease. Read more