adult daughter talking to senior mother about home care

Why Are Aging Loved Ones Hesitant About Receiving Help at Home?

As home care professionals, we get to see the joy, companionship, and increased quality of life seniors gain from having a caregiver. But we also know that many people initially reject the thought of in home care help. Read more


How Can I Help a Family Member With Kidney Disease?


Learn how you can help a family member with kidney disease.

Kidney disease can be indicated through seemingly harmless warning signs: Hiccupping. Itching. Changes in sleep and appetite. These are just a few of the seemingly harmless warning signs of kidney disease that may possibly be cause for concern. And with as many as 20 million people in the United States alone living with kidney disease, over and above those who are as yet undiagnosed, it’s essential that individuals experiencing these symptoms bring them to the attention of the physician. Read more

Baby greens and tomatoes

Crafting a Kidney-Healthy Diet for Seniors With Kidney Disease

Baby greens and tomatoes

Do you know the best kidney-healthy diet measures for seniors with kidney disease?

You’ve heard it before. You are what you eat. And for people living with kidney disease, it’s especially important that an effective dietary plan is observed to cut down on symptoms such as an upset stomach, swelling, pain, and more. Plus, adhering to a kidney-healthy diet may even delay the progression of the disease. Read more


Customizable Home Care Services for Aging Adults


Endeavor In Home Care’s home care services are tailored to fit every individual’s specific needs.

No matter our age, what never changes is that we are all unique people with unique wants and needs. As we get older, we stay the unique and complex people that we have been our entire lives. Presuming that all seniors will act the same and require the same things when it comes to care is a one-size-fits-all approach that just will not work for older adults or the family members who care for them. Providing home care services to aging adults requires an innovative and careful approach that allows the caregiver to determine just who an older adult is and what their distinct needs are. This is essential to create the best plan of care to keep the individual healthy and well at home. Read more

senior man eating

Age Safely at Home With Our Expert Home Care Services

senior man eating

Endeavor In Home Care’s services can help people age safely at home where it’s familiar and comfortable.

If Mom or Dad has been considering their plans for care when they get older, then you’ve probably heard their desires to age safely at home as opposed to moving to a nursing home. Truthfully, the vast majority of seniors want to stay in their own homes for as long as possible – for a wide range of reasons. Home is where they feel most familiar and comfortable because they’ve spent years making it a warm, loving place. Living at home also creates meaning and purpose to one’s life. Something as simple as looking at your personal belongings, reading the mail, or unwinding on the front porch are more significant at home than in a facility because it is the home that creates the framework of life. The comforts of home offer a sense of tranquility and privacy that can’t be substituted. Read more

Female caregiver helping senior man

How Can I Manage Pressure Sores in Aging Loved Ones?

Female caregiver helping senior man

Learn how to best manage pressure sores in aging loved ones.

Bed sores, also known as pressure sores, affect nearly one in every ten older adults, and are even more frequent in people who smoke, are living with a chronic disease like diabetes, or who have fragile or thin skin. Not only are bed sores very painful, they can also evolve into extremely dangerous infections. That’s why it’s vital to learn how to effectively prevent and manage pressure sores in aging loved ones. Read more

Senior woman with black eye

Helpful Tips for Managing Bruising In Seniors

Senior woman with black eye

Managing bruising in seniors can be challenging, but these tips can help!

Of the countless changes that occur as people grow older, bruising in older adults is one that can be alarming for family members to see in their loved ones. Conferring with the aging loved one’s physician about any health problem that arises is vital, but bruising in seniors is actually very common. Bruising in seniors often results from the thinning of the skin and a reduction of fat that is normal with growing older. Something as minor as a mild bump to older skin can lead to much more prominent bruising versus younger skin, which is why managing bruising in seniors is so difficult. Read more


Time Management for Caregivers: Holiday Edition


Endeavor can help with time management for caregivers this holiday season.

The holidays are a great time to reunite with friends and family, but it’s not always a relaxing time of year. Time management for caregivers during the holidays isn’t easy. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season, from shopping to social gatherings to family get-togethers, can be incredibly stressful, and when you have a loved one to care for, your own obligations can fall by the wayside. Read more


Self-Care for Caregivers: Tips to Remember During the Holidays


Self-care for caregivers is particularly important during the holiday season.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! However, for the millions of people in the U.S. who care for an aging loved one, the upcoming holidays may feel more like the most stressful time of the year. Finding time for yourself may have been relegated to the very bottom of your to-do list, but the home care team at Endeavor In Home Care would like to challenge you to think again and reprioritize caring for yourself! Read more

Communicate With Seniors With Alzheimer’s

Communicate With Seniors With Alzheimer’s: Stage by Stage

Communicate With Seniors With Alzheimer’s

Learn how to communicate with seniors with Alzheimer’s at different stages of their condition.

Even the most simple needs can be a struggle to communicate for aging adults with Alzheimer’s disease. As a family caregiver trying to communicate with seniors with Alzheimer’s, you may feel at times as though you’re trying to solve a puzzle in determining how to meet the needs of someone you love and ensure life is as fulfilling, safe, comfortable, and enriching as can be. Read more