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New wellness study shows just how sticky wearables can be, even among seniors

Dr. Mitesh Patel has had a significant interest in individuals who use wearable products for extended periods of time, especially when it comes to seniors. Patel studied individuals who were over 65 in order to see how many of them continued to utilize the devices in the future. Over 90% of the seniors in the study actually continued to use the wearable devices six months later! Even though it may be harder to find wearables that cater specifically to seniors, they are shown to stick to using them for longer periods over time.

Key Takeaways:

  • A high number of users of wearable tracking devices that once they started using them continued to use them for at least 6 months
  • The Fitbit is the most used wearable device with apple product devices coming in as the second most used device
  • Employers can find away to incorporate these devices into their own fitness programs within their companies promoting a healthier staff

“The interest in improving the sustained use of wearables goes beyond employer programs, according to the Annals of Internal Medicine study. It also applies to data collection for precision medicine initiatives to better target interventions.”

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