When caring for the elderly in places like assisted living facilities there are some techniques available to make the job more enjoyable for caregiver as well as resident. Taking the time to listen and understand how the resident feels about their independence as well as the care they expect can help. When finding an ideal place for a loved one that is elderly it can be wise to visit a chosen facility at different times of the day. As with all places of work there are different things happening on different shifts and familiarizing oneself to each may be beneficial. Several other tips and tools can be found within the blog written here.
Key Takeaways:
- The best way to get a realistic idea of the quality of care being provided to your loved one is to change up your visit times so you get to experience the facility at different times of day
- Stylize your approach so that the senior citizen remains as independent and empowered as his or her situation allows
- Reach out to Elder Care Resource planning and/or the Area Agency on Aging locale closest to you in order to take advantage of professional assistance
“Few people want to be a burden on anyone—particularly family and friends—and they’ll go to great lengths to avoid accepting or asking for help (even if they know they need it).”