Getting Mom and Dad to Accept In Home Care Services in Paradise Valley, AZ
After discussing with your siblings, you have all decided that it would be best to hire a home care companion for your parents. However, Mom and Dad really are not interested in this type of situation, so you’ll have to convince them of its real and true benefits.
Part of the reason why your parents might not want this arrangement to occur is because they are afraid of losing control. You want them to see that they are actually still in control of the situation, and the way to accomplish this goal is to ask them to lead the interviews. Ask your top choices for home care companions to come over to your parents’ home, so they can ask the professionals in the field any questions that they would like. Yes, you should feel comfortable with the person. However, it’s extremely important that your parent or parents do too.
It would also be an intelligent idea to have a trail session. Ask your parents if they would prefer you to stay or leave during this trial, and abide by their wishes. In the event that they want you to stay, be natural but give the two of them space to get to know one another. Your Mom and/or Dad will see that the individual is really there to help them.
During this trial, or on your own, show your parents how the companions can really be of service. For example, Mom might call you up one day to ask if you can drive her to the store. You have to take the kids to soccer practice though, so this is an excellent time to suggest a companion. Such a companion would be able to drive your mother to the shop. Do not use this as a scolding opportunity or an “I told you so” moment; simply suggest the idea to her.
You also want to let your parents know that they have choices in the matter. In addition to picking out the person with whom they would like to spend time, parents can also discuss when they would like the companion to arrive and leave for the day. Some companions might be living with your parents, so Mom and Dad can choose a private space for the companion to sleep and to keep her personal belongings. You want to set up both a professional and comfortable environment in the home so that everyone is happy.
When researching options for in home care services in Paradise Valley, AZ call us at (480) 535-6800. Home care counselors at Endeavor Home Care are available to talk with you about your in home care services including how to reduce caregiver stress while providing better, affordable care. We are an elder care agency providing in home care services in Paradise Valley, AZ.