How Families Can Deal With Disagreements About Elderly Care
There is no such thing as the “perfect family”; to some extent, all families experience some degree of dysfunction. Unfortunately, when one or two elderly parents need an increasing level of care, dysfunction that had been buried for years often rises to the surface and creates problems among siblings and other family members, including disagreements about elderly care. To deal appropriately with the challenges of arranging for senior in home care, it’s necessary for families to set aside past differences and to speak honestly about present-day challenges.
How Can You Overcome Disagreements About Elderly Care?
Discuss the Challenges Openly
Disagreements often arise from misinformation. One classic example occurs when one sibling carries the burden of caring for the aging parents, while the other siblings or other family members assume that the caregiving tasks are minimal and easily managed. It’s often up to the primary family caregiver to help other family members to fully understand the challenges. A family meeting may be in order, during which the family caregiver ought to provide examples of challenges and let the other family members know how often these challenges arise.
Agreeing on a Course of Action
Once everyone is on the same page regarding the current situation, it’s often easier to work toward an agreement about what ought to be done. Quite often, family caregivers find that as their loved one’s care needs increase, the caregiver’s capacity to meet these needs declines. The family caregiver should clearly explain that he or she is no longer capable of providing this level of care and that to maintain the aging parents’ independence, senior in home care services are necessary.
Share Updates Regularly
Senior in home care lifts the burden from families, which allows them to focus on the quality of the relationship with the aging parents. If other family members live far away or are otherwise unable to visit regularly, the family member who does regularly visit and keep in contact with the agency caregiver should share regular updates with the others. This can be as simple as a weekly e-mail that lets other family members know that mom and dad are doing well.
When your aging loved one requires home care assistance in the Phoenix, AZ area, your family can trust Endeavor In-Home Senior Care. Our compassionate caregivers provide a comprehensive array of senior in home care services, including specialized care for individuals with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Call (877) 584-6162 with any questions you may have.