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Google Street View Helps Dementia Patients to Take a Ride Down Memory Lane

The Alzheimer’s Reading Room has been researching a new activity for older adults struggling with dementia. The activity is called BikeAround and it uses stationary bikes and Google Street View to give the elderly a chance to explore safely – perhaps even revisiting places long forgotten. Location triggers alot of memories so the hope is that giving dementia patients a chance to “go back” to old homes and locations can improve their interactions and healthy living.

Key Takeaways:

  • BikeAround is a device which incorporates a stationary bike in combination with Google Street View to give dementia patients a nostalgic ride down familiar streets.
  • Studies have shown that our most intense memories are linked to locations.
  • Scientists believe that when physical and mental stimulation are combined it creates dopamine in the brain which can affect memory management.

“I like this because it gives the dementia patient a real experience; and, I believe this would help patients to become calmer and easier to deal with. Any activity that a person living with dementia engages in usually leads to better behavior.”

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