Elder Care in Scottsdale, AZ: Post-Rehab Care in the Home
Extended hospitalizations are a common aspect of elder care. Seniors are more susceptible to serious illness and injury and require more comprehensive care in order to recover properly. After hospitalization, however, many seniors will require a time of rehabilitation in order to recover functionality and achieve full recovery.
This rehabilitation is a critical element of elderly health care as it addresses common problems associated with extended hospitalization. One of these problems is referred to as deconditioning. Deconditioning is when an elderly person’s body experiences functional losses that make it difficult for him to fulfill daily tasks and achieve the same level of mobility and independence that he had prior to going into the hospital. Deconditioning is a common result of spending a considerable amount of time in bed, but it does not have to mean that your aging loved one can no longer enjoy the same level of independence and activity that he did prior to having to be hospitalized.
Rehabilitation after hospitalization is a common elder care recommendation. Physicians will want to ensure that an elderly person continues to receive support for regaining his abilities after hospitalization so that when he returns home his far along the path of full recovery. After this realization, however, it is critical that you provide continued elderly health care to support your loved one’s recovery efforts.
Home care for the elderly is a fantastic resource for post-rehab care that can encourage your aging loved one to regain his physical strength, mental sharpness and independence. Elderly home care is about having a provider in the home to help address daily needs, as well as to encourage compliance with medication and other treatment recommendations. Consider introducing an elderly home care provider to your aging loved one while he is still involved in rehabilitation so that the transition from this rehab center into home care is as smooth and hassle-free as possible. Helping your aging loved one to feel comfortable with the person who will be providing post-rehab care in his home will encourage compliance with this care, and therefore hasten his total recovery.
When researching options for elder care in Scottsdale, AZ call us at (480) 535-6800. Home care counselors at Endeavor Home Care are available to talk with you about your in home care needs including how to reduce caregiver stress while providing better, affordable care. We are an elder care agency providing home care in Scottsdale, AZ.