Recreational Therapy can be so much more than a boring Occupational room. Its main purpose is to develop all skills such as physical, social, mental, and emotional. Seniors do better when they engage in life, and find happiness and purpose. Going to movies, attending parties, playing Wii games, swimming, walking in a club, dancing. There can be something for everyone in therapy, depending on the seniors interest. Art, animal, music, even simply getting together to play some cards or chess. It is the interpersonal connection and engagement in life that is the main thing. Therapy doesn’t have to be boring, it can be engaging and something to look forward too.
Key Takeaways:
- Alzheimer’s is progressive and irreversible and what goes unmentioned is how Recreational Therapy can help
- The therapy includes social activities, active games, music therapy, art therapy, and more
- In later stages of the disease, it is recommended to use a customized one-on-one approach to therapy depending on needs
“Recreational Therapy is designed to help develop physical, social, mental and emotional capacities by using activities according to the person’s necessity and area of impairment.”
Read more: https://insigniaseniorliving.com/recreational-therapy-for-seniors/