“The Aging Boomers” is a weekly Radio Show discussing the 3 top concerns of the Aging Population including:
1. Physical Health
2. Financial Health
3. Mental Health
Frank Samson, founder of Senior Care Authority, developed “The Aging Boomers” three years ago to help educate the public, including adult children and seniors. The show feature experts in various areas relative to the issues boomers and their parents are confronted with on an everyday basis including senior care, nutrition, insurance, financial and estate planning. Samson has interviewed assisted living and nursing home executives; authors on subject matters such as Alzheimer’s and heart disease: and senior care professionals such as geriatric care managers, senior move managers and representatives from in home care companies.
“There are so many issues affecting the aging population and it’s imperative to educate seniors as well as those whose loved ones are faced with issues and challenges as they age,” Samson said. “It was time to bring the very people we talk about on the show…the seniors themselves,” he continued.
Samson did just that. He asked Gene Osegueda, who not only faces health issues himself but was also caring for his loving wife who had Alzheimer’s disease. Together with Gene on the show was Greta Bebrard who was an athlete for many years but now was faced with caregivers providing her assistance at home on a regular basis. As was stated during the introduction of his guests, “you’re now going to hear it directly from the horses mouth.”
The Aging Boomers can be listened to LIVE by going to www.sunfmtv.com or in the Sonoma Valley on 91.3 FM. All recorded shows are listed on Senior Care Authority’s website at www.seniorcareauthority.com. The show airs every Monday:
2-3pm PT,
3-4pm MT
4-5pm CST
5-6pm ET
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