Elderly health decline is a natural part of life, and comprises physical and cognitive function. At some point, it may come to a point where it’s unsafe for seniors to continue living without care. However, decline is stressful on the person and their family members, and many use denial to help them cope. Denial can be okay if it’s short term, but long term becomes a problem. When dealing with someone in denial, avoid judgment and build a case around facts and evidence, or if it persists, it may not hurt to schedule a senior care consultation with a care professional.
Key Takeaways:
- Cognitive decline in old age is a normal part of aging, and beyond a certain point, assistance with living becomes critical.
- Recognizing denial about decline in yourself and in others is an important part of coping with the process.
- Use evidence, not emotion, to deal with denial, and consult an expert if denial persists.
“Denial prevents elderly adults from getting the care they need, which can accelerate their decline, severely reduce their well-being, and put them at serious risk of illness and injury.”
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