Recently The Wall Street Journal did an excellent job of explaining how the Supreme Court’s latest ruling will impact consumers. The article is written in layman’s terms so that it is easier to understand.
The bottom line for most Americans is that the new law won’t go into effect until 2014, but that doesn’t mean it should be ignored. Think about your situation and your options now- plan ahead.
Insurance Premiums in the Future
Most consumers can expect to keep seeing increases in premiums and co-payments because the underlying cost of health care is expected to rise. The law contains a few mechanisms to curb premiums, but it also requires that many insurance providers make their benefits more generous, which will raise their cost. Older people could see their premiums go down because of the new age rating rules insurers will face. People who buy policies without the help of an employer could get a better deal by being able to shop on the exchanges, where comparing plans will be easier than before.
What Can You Expect to See if You Choose NOT to Have Health Insurance?
The penalty will start at $95 a year or up to 1% of a person’s income, whichever is greater.
Here are some of the questions that the Wall Street Journal Addresses:
• Does this mean the health overhaul law is in place for good?
• What happens to any benefits I already get because of the law?
• When will I see the big changes from the law?
• What if I already have insurance?
• What will happen to my insurance premiums?
For more information and to read the entire article click here.
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